We love to create beautiful video productions. That’s why we would like to share a selection of our portfolio with you. Check out the coolest productions we have created recently here.

Rijksmuseum Nachtwacht in VR Thumbnail

The Night Watch

360 video | VR Owl

Volledige toneel bij toneelgroep T Jater

Theater group T-Jater

Promo | Will We Ever Be Free?

Are you looking for a different reference material from our portfolio? It is possible that we have made something similar, even if it’s not on this page. Please feel free to contact us and enquire about the type of production you are looking for.


WB Firepacks 150x120 1


Dutch NFT Drops.

Spreken voor Publiek.

Fruit op je Werk.

Working with Beeldscherp is great fun. You see them climbing onto things, diving under tables. Just to get the perfect shot.

Huibert-Jan van Roest.

Dutch NFT Drops


How can we help you? We’d love to get coffee sometime. Or let’s get to know each other with a video call. 

Een portretfoto van Rick Cosijn van Beeldscherp voor een houten achtergrond




Our international video production company is located in Utrecht (The Netherlands). Projects are realized both on a project basis as well as a long-term partnership.

We believe that companies that utilize creative video in their marketing strategy will emerge as winners. Are you ready to achieve succes with video?


  • 360 video production
  • Campagne video
  • Event video recording
  • Instructional video
  • Product video
  • Promotional video
  • Social media content
  • Testimonial video
  • Vacany video
  • Vlog
Het logo van de Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven die laat zien dat Beeldscherp een erkend leerbedrijf is.